Data publikacji w serwisie: 5 maja 2024 r.
Short internship in the Hinrichs Lab (Bremen, Germany)
Dr Jędrzej Proch obtained funding for short internship (4 weeks) in competition no. 07 “Support for the internationalisation of AMU Staff-International Junior and Senior Exchange mobility programs” organized from the Excellence Initiative Research University Programme AMU. The training will take place in October 2024, in the Hinrichs Lab, MARUM & Department of Geosciences, University of Bremen (Bremen, Germany).
The primary task of the project will be to learn how to operate the Brucker M4 Tornado (micro X-ray spectrometer), as well as to comprehensively recognize its advantages and limitations. Then, elemental mapping of unique environmental samples (e.g. leaves, drillings, annual growths) will be carried out in order to potentially recognize sudden and/or long-term changes in the environment.
We wish fruitful work and hope that obtained results will be interesting!