About us

Research group

Prof. dr hab. Przemysław Niedzielski

ORCID: 0000-0002-2787-9057
UAM: Baza wiedzy UAM

Biographical note:
Professor Dr. habil. Przemyslaw Niedzielski is a full Professor of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan (UAM), Poland and works at the Faculty of Chemistry: Department of Analytical Chemistry. He conducts the study in analytical chemistry area on a development of a new analytical procedures and prepares an application of analysis different samples: food, biological, geological and archaeological.

Dr Jędrzej Proch
Assistant Profesor

ORCID: 0000-0003-0023-044X
UAM: Baza Wiedzy UAM

Biographical note:
He is a chemist who develops new analytical procedures used for elemental and speciation analyzes of food (especially yerba mate), plants, fungi and archaeological samples. He is employed as an assistant professor at the Analytical Chemistry Department of the Faculty of Chemistry and at the Faculty of Archeology AMU. On March 24, 2022, he defended his doctoral thesis with distinction under the supervision of prof. Niedzielski.

Dr Juliana Souza-Kasprzyk
Independent Technician

ORCID: 0000-0003-2307-8006

Biographical note:
She is a Brazilian biologist with PhD degree in biology and chemistry. Her research is focused on polar ecotoxicology and currently, she is studying chemical elements in soil samples from Spitsbergen (Arctic) and King George Island (Antarctica) aiming to understand the impact of contaminants in both regions.

AMU representative at EPICUR Early Career Research Board.

MSc Yana Tkachenko
PhD Student

ORCID: 0000-0001-9057-2587 

Biographical note:
She is Ukrainian chemistry teacher and PhD student in Chemistry at AMU. Her research interests are focused in polar contamination and the problem of climate change.

MSc Joanna Pacyńska
PhD Student

Biographical note:
She is an employee of the Chemical Research Laboratory of the Provincial Veterinary Inspectorate in Poznań and PhD Student at AMU. She deals with the determination of chemical residue using LC/MS/MS method in food of animal origin and in feed, including drugs and coccidiostats. Her researches focus particularly on the development of new procedures for determining drug residues in food, their validation and implementation.

MSc Aleksandra Proch
PhD Student

ORCID: 0000-0003-2941-930X

Biographical note:
She is a PhD student at the AMU Doctoral School (chemical sciences). Her research is focused on developing new methods of speciation analysis based on hyphenated techniques (among others HPLC-ICP MS) and their further use in scientific research. Her master’s thesis, which was supervised by Professor Niedzielski, received a distinction.

MSc Zofia Wojciechowska
PhD Student

ORCID: 0000-0002-1139-8697

Biographical note:
She is a PhD student at the AMU Doctoral School. The subject of her research is to establish basic model of arsenic phytoextraction and tolerance of C4 perennial grasses on the example of Miscanthus × giganteus as part of the project of OPUS 21. Her scientific interests also include food analytics and toxicology.

mgr Anna Różewska

PhD student

ORCID: 0000-0002-5061-7303

She is a PhD student at the Adam Mickiewicz University Doctoral School (chemical sciences). The subject of her work is the optimization of modern analytical methods such as LIBS and LA–ICP MS spectrometry in order to develop tools enabling precise analysis of plant samples from areas with intensive anthropogenic activity, which will allow for more accurate monitoring of changes in the environment.