Prof. Przemysław Niedzielski in the SNAP Main Board
Last weekend (24.09.2022), during the XXXI General Assembly of Delegates of the Scientific Association of Polish Archaeologists, Professor Przemysław Niedzielski was elected a member of the SNAP Main Board. It is also worth noting that Professor Niedzielski is the first non-archaeologist in the Polish authorities of the Association! Our sincere congratulations to the Professor!
Brak kategorii28.09.2022
Dr Juliana Souza-Kasprzyk in “100 Women in Polar Science” project
Dr Juliana Souza-Kasprzyk was one of the scientists selected to be part of the “100 Women in Polar Science” project. The project collects stories and experiences from 100 global women working in the Arctic or Antarctic aiming to inspire others to become polar scientists. All the information are avaible on website: https://womeninpolarscience.org/100polarwomen/
Brak kategorii28.09.2022
Conference award for our PhD student!
On June 19-23, 2022, representatives of our research group, including: Prof. Przemysław Niedzielski, Dr Jędrzej Proch, MSc Yana Tkachenko and MSc Aleksandra Orłowska took part in the 11th Polish Conference of Analytical Chemistry organized by the Lodz University of Technology. We came back from this conference with an award, because MSc Yana Tkachenko won 3rd place in […]
Brak kategorii27.08.2022
New PhD in the group!
On March 24, 2022, the defense of the doctoral dissertation of MSc Jędrzej Proch entitled: “Hyphenated systems based on detection by optical emission spectrometry in determination of metals and metalloids species” was held. Then the Scientific Council of the Chemical Sciences Discipline of Adam Mickiewicz University awarded him a doctoral degree (April 22) and approved […]
Brak kategorii26.08.2022
Workshop on harmonising and collaborative atmospheric pollution research
Members of the Speciation Analytics and Hyphenated Techniques Research Group Juliana Souza-Kasprzyk and Przemysław Niedzielski will participate as Chair and Speaker respectively in the HERMOSA Workshop on Harmonising Environmental Research and Monitoring of Priority Pollutants in the Svalbard Atmosphere to be held online 5-6 October 2021. For more information: https://sios-svalbard.org/HERMOSAworkshop
Brak kategorii28.09.2021
Interdisciplinary Research Group Archaeometry
Since 2021, the Research Group of Speciation Analytics and Hyphenated Techniques has been co-creating a new interdisciplinary research group. The Interdisciplinary Research Group Archaeometry was established in cooperation with two faculties of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań: Faculty of Archaeology and Faculty of Chemistry and deals with the application of chemical analysis techniques in archaeological […]
Brak kategorii19.02.2021
Research Group of speciation analysis and hyphenated techniques
The research group has been operating independently since 2008 under the leadership of prof. Przemysław Niedzielski.
Brak kategorii8.05.2020