Research internship at Shakarim University (Semey, Kazakhstan)
Doctoral students Zofia Wojciechowska and Aleksandra Proch are currently undergoing a two-month internship at Shakarim University in Semey (Kazakhstan). The aim of the stay is to exchange knowledge in the field of radioecological research and environmental pollution. Doctoral students participate in the work carried out at the Department of Chemical Technology and Ecology. The internship […]
Brak kategorii8.05.2024
Short internship in the Hinrichs Lab (Bremen, Germany)
Dr Jędrzej Proch obtained funding for short internship (4 weeks) in competition no. 07 “Support for the internationalisation of AMU Staff-International Junior and Senior Exchange mobility programs” organized from the Excellence Initiative Research University Programme AMU. The training will take place in October 2024, in the Hinrichs Lab, MARUM & Department of Geosciences, University of […]
Brak kategorii5.05.2024
Distinction of doctoral thesis by KChA PAN
We are proud to announce that Dr. Jędrzej Proch is the laureate of the competition organized by the Analytical Chemistry Committee of the Polish Academy of Sciences for the best doctoral thesis in the analytical chemistry field, in the category of the best doctoral thesis in analytical spectrometry. We are very happy and wish you further […]
Brak kategorii14.04.2024
Prof. Przemysław Niedzielski in the PAN Scientific Committee
We are pleased to announce that Professor Przemysław Niedzielski is a member of the Scientific Committee of Analytical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences, established for the new term in 2024-2027. Congratulations and we wish you fruitful work!
Brak kategorii5.04.2024
Short internship in the AnalytikJena demonstration laboratory at the University of Porto
Between March 3-16, 2024. PhD students Zofia Wojciechowska and Aleksandra Proch completed a short internship in the AnalykJena demonstration laboratory at the University of Porto (Portugal), run by Dr. Rui Santos. During the internship, the PhD students deepened their knowledge about the structure and functioning of ICP MS devices, learned the method of determining nanoparticles, […]
Brak kategorii21.03.2024
Master’s Student Grants
Fourth-year students Aleksandra Brzozowska and Wiktoria Zawrzykraj obtained funding for research projects under competition No. 118 Study@Research from the funds of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” project. Aleksandra Brzozowska will be implementing a project on the topic: Comparison of the stability of selected forms of arsenic occurring in plants and fungi depending on the method […]
Brak kategorii2.01.2024
Television in the laboratory
At the beginning of September, a short material for a documentary film about polar research in which our research group takes part was filmed in our laboratory. In a few words, Professor Przemysław Niedzielski talked about the role of an analytical chemist, both at the polar station and in the laboratory – including how samples […]
Brak kategorii12.09.2023
Arctic expedition 2023
We are excited to share that our research group has embarked on a remarkable scientific expedition. Once again, three members of our team are currently at the Adam Mickiewicz University Polar Station “Petuniabukta” (AMUPS) in Svalbard, collecting invaluable samples for their ongoing research projects. On June 25th, our team departed from Poland and arrived in […]
Brak kategorii30.06.2023
Double PhD!
On May 8, 2023, the defense of the doctoral dissertation of Dr Juliana Souza-Kasprzyk entitled: „Biogeochemistry of chemical elements in Arctic soils: multi-factor effects on element concentrations from different locations in Billefjord, Svalbard” was held. The Scientific Council of the Chemical Sciences Discipline of Adam Mickiewicz University awarded Her a doctoral degree on May 19, 2023. […]
Brak kategorii13.06.2023
Student Grants
A group of three students of the second year of undergraduate studies, Aleksandra Skrzypczak, Klaudia Sobieska and Szymon Piguła, received funding for a research project entitled: “Changes in the content of selected elements (heavy metals and arsenic) in agricultural soils at various stages of the soil cultivation cycle during year” as part of the competition No. 075 Advanced Best […]
Brak kategorii23.12.2022